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In Episode 53... "How do I encourage my audience to attend my online events?" - Nina Albrecht

Nina Albrecht is a painter from Finland. Her paintings are inspired by Nordic landscapes, and she incorporates a mix of realism and fantasy into her work. She is very busy with her four children now that her parenting leave has run its course, but she is determined to keep her art alive.

Successful at selling her larger paintings, Nina actually has found it more difficult to move her smaller pieces. In order to reduce her inventory, she recently organized an online auction. Because she has a large audience and finds the most engagement there, she decided to concentrate her efforts there. However, her auction failed to draw enough participation to produce any sales, so she finds herself looking for fresh ideas.

Nina is confident when it comes to creating content to advertise her events, but she knows that alone will not draw people in. She is looking for more effective ways to encourage her audience to attend, even if it means stepping outside of her comfort zone.

Listen in as Jessica challenges Nina to face her fears to create the success she is hoping for.

Key takeaways:

  • Switch gears when something doesn't work the way you planned. (00:06:44)
  • Make an orbit list of connections and leads to reach out to. (00:10:05)
  • Starting at a lower price can prove that there is interest in your work. (00:17:36)
  • The more personalized your invitations, the better. (00:21:42)
  • Base the results on tackling the challenge itself, not on success or failure. (00:23:48)
  • Decide on a way to measure your success. (00:26:59)

Resources and links mentioned:

  • Connect with Nina on Instagram @systerhenry
  • Visit Ingrid’s website at
  • Apply to Be a Guest on Intuitive Art Sales here
  • Sign up for my Consistent Income for Artists program here.

Learn more about selling your art:

  • For more practical and energetic strategies to create consistent income and life balance, follow Jessica on Instagram @artistmarketco
  • Would you like to know where to spend your time in order to create consistent sales, without letting it take over your life? Awesome! Grab your free training, "The Artist's Day" here: 
  • For information on working with Jessica, send your questions/thoughts to

Read the Transcript for this episode

Jessica: Welcome back to Intuitive Art Sales. I'm here with Nina Albrecht, and she is an artist whose landscape paintings are based mostly on the Nordic landscape, which I find very interesting. And she's got kind of a mix of realism and fantasy in there, which is very cool to me.

She is very busy with her four children working toward keeping her art business alive after parenting leave has kind of run its course and also focused on making sure that she is able to keep, quote, unquote, her thing going, keeping it alive. So Nina, how are we doing today? How are you feeling?

Nina Albrecht: Thank you for, having me here. It's, it's really nice.

Jessica: I'm so glad you're here.

Funny little bit of trivia for those of you who are listening. Last week we recorded a podcast episode, and I hit pause at the beginning. We lost the entire first interview, and it was so good. So I'm a little bit bummed about that, but that's okay because that gives us a chance to possibly go a little bit deeper into some of the strategy that we had created together. Maybe, maybe not. Let's see. Shall we?

So Nina, would you, for everyone who's listening, explain a little bit about what's happening in your life? What's happening in your business? What's happening in your art? Give us the spiel.

Nina Albrecht: At the moment I'm, as Jessica said, very busy with my kids and I'm trying to find out some hours here and there to work on my art business. Last week I tried to make an art auction, and I made some videos. But in the end I couldn't get the people from Instagram over to my Facebook group, so it ended up with no sales. 

Jessica: It kind of fell flat.

Nina Albrecht: So here we are.

Jessica: Yeah. So let me backtrack just a little bit and kind of explain the strategy behind what we were talking about. So I had been asking Nina a little bit about, you know, where her biggest audience is, where her most engagement was happening. And it turned out that it wasn't her Instagram page, but her Facebook group. She had a rather large Facebook group that she had built up over the years.

So we decided it might be fun to try an art auction. Remind me why we decided on an art auction. Was it, we had some pieces we wanted to move, or what was happening there?

Nina Albrecht: Yes. I have a lot of small aquarelles that I made in the summer. And I thought that this would be some like small art pieces that would be easier to sell.

Jessica: And so we had decided to move them over from Instagram to your Facebook group because that was where it was already working. And we thought it might be nice to even grow that space a little bit more, but the result was, I think you said you had 11 people sign up. Tell me.

Nina Albrecht: Yes. 11 people saw the post, and I think about two or three people came as members into the group. And I don't know if they came from Instagram or from Facebook.

Jessica: We've talked about it a little bit. I consider two or three people raising their hand to success. Does that mean it translated into sales? No, but I don't think the art auction idea should be dead. I think maybe the execution of it needs to be done a little bit differently, or we need to host it in a different way, because we don't have a whole lot of control over the Facebook algorithm, algorithm gods, much like Instagram. Right?

Same people, same thing. They're not bad. it's just the algorithm. It works in our favor for a lot of ways, but in this case it did not work in our favor. So if we're rethinking this, we know that two or three people said, I'm interested in hearing more about this art auction, whether they came from Facebook or Instagram, right?

Would you agree with that statement?

Nina Albrecht: Yes.

Jessica: Yeah. Do you have an email list?

Nina Albrecht: Yes, I have. And I also made announced it in my email.

Jessica: Great. What I'm initially thinking here, is making this a less content based content based thing and more of a personal interaction thing. I know that I have not explained that yet, but does that feel in alignment to you?

Nina Albrecht: Yes.

Jessica: It does. Great. What if instead of you have to come over to my group and then you have to see the posts and then you have to decide that I want to bid on it. What if it became something like, there's multiple ways to do this, but a Zoom or a Facebook Live or an Instagram Live, something along those lines that is scheduled that you invite people to come to such as those two or three people who joined the group.

Actually, let me back up for a second. Did you personally tell anyone about the art auction, or was it all based on email and posts?

Nina Albrecht: Yes. I told only kind of my, my parents.

[00:02:39] Switch gears when your strategy doesn't work the way you planned.

Jessica: How on a scale of one to 10, how scary would it be for you to do a live auction?

Nina Albrecht: 10.

Jessica: 10. Great. Are we willing to work through that fear?

Nina Albrecht: Yes.

Jessica: Yes. Okay. I like to hear that. The scarier it is, the more resistance you're going to have to it, which I don't super love because we have just changed our strategy from content to personal invitations.

And if you're sitting here getting really scared in your head, it's going to be harder for you to actually go out and make those. So I think we should make this a face your fears challenge instead of a everything has to run perfectly idea. Would that work for you?

Nina Albrecht: Yes.

Jessica: You look so hesitant!

Nina Albrecht: I think I have done like maybe three lives before.

Jessica: Would it be less scary if it was like behind a, like a zoom or something, where people had to say, yes, I'm coming, and then you give them a link? Or would you rather go all in and say, I'm going to invite people to come to this, but also I'm going to host it on a platform such as Facebook or Instagram where people could just see it and show up?

Nina Albrecht: Maybe rather, in that way, because if only one or two or coming, if I invite them there will be more. So, maybe on Instagram because I have done lives on Instagram before.

Jessica: Okay. So we're going to do an Instagram live. This is getting better by the minute! How many fears can we face in this challenge?

Okay. So we're going to do an Instagram live. I want to give you some time to prepare, but not too much time that you talk yourself out of it. My thought process says somewhere between the 7 and 14 day mark.

What does your head say?

Nina Albrecht: I think maybe on a weekend it works.

Jessica: Actually, let's do that. Let's look at your calendar.

Nina Albrecht: Yeah. I actually I have my calendar on my phone.

Jessica: And you're on your phone.

Nina Albrecht: And my computer shut down.

Jessica: Okay, so we can't look.

Nina Albrecht: So next weekend or the next one after that. 

Jessica: I have a possible hang up in my mind around the weekend because of how my life works. I'm not. Here on the weekend. I'm out. I am, I don't know, camping or watching a friend's band or, you know, doing something where I'm not really available to come to something like that.

So, when we're thinking about... your people, and I know that there's a wide variety and a range, but do you think that they would be more available during the weekend or the week? And I know that we have to think about your kids too, but we're getting there.

Nina Albrecht: I actually think maybe the week.

Jessica: The week?

Nina Albrecht: I'm thinking about Thursday feels like it might be a good day.

Jessica: Okay. So a Thursday.

I know last time we talked a little bit about your childcare. Do you think that you could check in with the grandparents and see if either this Thursday or next Thursday? Today is Thursday that we're recording it. So in one week or two weeks, they would be available for an hour to watch the children.

Nina Albrecht: Yes. Yes. I can ask them.

[00:10:34] Make an orbit list of connections and leads to reach out to.

Jessica: Okay. So our date might depend on that, but if I'm picking, October 26th would be that date. That gives us two weeks to prepare. Nina is a part of my Consistent Income group, so I can ask her this and she's going to know what I'm talking about. I'll try to narrate as we go so that you guys understand too. Have you started your orbit list?

Nina Albrecht: I have made a potential buyer list, but I don't know if that's...

Jessica: The orbit list has your ideal art buyers. It has any potential collaborators you might want to work with someday in the future. It has your past buyers. Anyway, let's say it's those three.

So the answer is yes. You have started your list.

Nina Albrecht: Yes.

Jessica: How long is it?

Nina Albrecht: Yeah. About a hundred.

Jessica: A hundred. Okay. Impressive. So I want you to add those two or three people who signed up to go to your Facebook group. They need to go on there as quote unquote, soft leads.

Nina Albrecht: Should I invite people personally to the auction so I go into the DMs?

Jessica: It's up to you. So some of those people, you know really well, and you have their phone number and you text sometimes. Maybe those people you want to text other people. Maybe it's a phone call. Other people, it's a DM. Other people, it's an email. It just depends what you think your mode of conversing with those people makes the most sense.

Nina Albrecht: How many should I invite in there?

Jessica: Do you want me to answer that?

Nina Albrecht: Like a hundred or something?

Jessica: The more people you invite, the more people are going to show up. I'm not going to give you a number. I'm just going to leave you with that. Yeah. It depends how important it is to you that people show up.

I understand that this sounds... One, scary, and Two, time consuming. However, I have the advantage of telling you, you already tried it the other way. You tried I'm going to send an email. I'm going to write a couple of social posts. And there was some success with that, but it was not as much success as you would have liked.

Nina Albrecht: Yes. I think it was too much work for...

Jessica: For the return.

Nina Albrecht: Yeah.

Jessica: This sounds like a lot of work, but it's a better return.

Nina Albrecht: It's maybe not more work if I just like show up there. I just tell people, and then I show up there with my paintings. It doesn't feel very difficult to like with a painting in front of me and just talk about it and then next.

Jessica: I mean, yes, that's where most people don't arrive at that conclusion until after they've done it. But I love that your brain is already. Actually, it might be less work. I don't have to make mountain loads of content and then keep up with it and then figure out how to blah, blah, blah.

It's just inviting people to show up.

Nina Albrecht: But should I just leave behind like that it didn't work out before because I think if the same same people come to my live auction and they see that nothing sold in the first one, so it feels kind of a bit embarrassing.

Jessica: I really hate saying this. There's always a chance it'll be embarrassing.

Nina Albrecht: Yes. It might be that it's not selling once again. So I guess that's the worst that can happen.

Jessica: Yes. That's the worst that can happen. And you told me, I'm going to read this. I am working towards keeping my art business alive, and I'm focusing on making sure I keep my thing going. So it really becomes a matter of, Is it worth the risk for it to be embarrassing versus, is it worth the risk of not keeping my art business alive and focusing on keeping my thing going? And when you look at it like that, kind of like, I can be embarrassed. It's fine. It's worth it. it's more important to me to execute keeping my thing alive than it is being embarrassed once.

And I don't think you're going to be embarrassed, but it's always a risk.

Nina Albrecht: Yeah. But I think maybe I shouldn't do it in, in the auction way. It feels like it's so complicated. Maybe it would be better that something that's maybe not pay what you want, but something.

Jessica: I don't think that matters too much. Here's what I think will be less effective. If you show up and you're like, I have this auction item, and now you have to go to this thing and put in your bid, like, if we're going to do an auction, let's be an auctioneer. We don't have to talk like, we don't have to talk like that.

Here's my thing. If you're interested in placing a bid, just raise your hand. Whoever raises their hand first, bids first. Are there any other bids? Going once going twice. Okay. It's yours.

Nina Albrecht: Yeah.

Jessica: I think I saw you did a screenshot in Slack of your auction, and I think you said starting it was it two euros?

Nina Albrecht: I put a starting price on every painting about about 90 euros.

Jessica: Okay.

Nina Albrecht: 90 to 95. And then I wrote that they can bid to at least two euros.

Jessica: You mean two euros above the starting price. Okay.

Nina Albrecht: Yeah.

Jessica: I understand. I was like, whoa, she's starting him at two.

Also, I learned this from my dad because he does a lot of eBay. Starting it at two encourages people to start raising their hand and saying, yeah, I'll bid two. Sure. Well, I already bid two. I'll bid four. I'll bid 12. And that's up to you.

Nina Albrecht: Oh, maybe that would be, yes. That's the thing that you have to decide, I'm willing to try this or I'm not.

Jessica: Yeah. I think after the last flop, maybe I could just try to start with, it's like five euros is better than.

Nina Albrecht: Yeah.

Jessica: So we start at five and it goes up five. And then you just look for people raising their hand.

Nina Albrecht: Yes.

Jessica: There's the potential that some of them will go for lower than 90 at that point.

Is that okay with you or not?

Nina Albrecht: I think it's okay with my aquarelles, not, not with my oil paintings. No, no, no, no. Because I paint an aquarelle in one day, so, or like two hours.

[00:18:06] Starting at a lower price can prove that there is interest in your work.

Jessica: I really believe in valuing your work and I also believe in creating momentum to create confidence to do more. So in this instance, I think it's okay to start lower and just show yourself that there is interest.

Nina Albrecht: Yes, yes, I think it's, good in this case. I think I have usually a quite okay prices on my paintings. And I have sold actually mostly of my bigger paintings and I find it so interesting because my small ones are not selling so much.

Jessica: That is weird.

Nina Albrecht: Yeah.

Jessica: But great. I mean, I'm happy about that.

Nina Albrecht: Yes.

Jessica: Okay, so we're starting them lower. I said five, but you'd, you'd pick, right? Whatever that needs to be for you.

Nina Albrecht: Yeah, I think five is a good start. And maybe some painting go high up and other one goes like cheaper and it's, it's okay.

Jessica: Maybe it averages out. So now, now that we know we're starting our paintings this low. We need a crap load of people. So you asked me earlier, how many people am I going to invite? I didn't answer. How many people are you going to invite?

Nina Albrecht: I actually think if I, I do it on Insta, I think I will invite everyone from there. And actually I think I have more buyers on Facebook right now, but it's it's a bit more older people and they are not on Insta. So I think I'm trying with, with a new crew now.

Jessica: I believe, I don't know. I know that there's some software where you can basically broadcast both at the same time.

A coach I had like four or five years ago used to use it. I don't know what it's called. I don't know how to do it. I don't know if it's still around. I don't know how techie you are and if you want to try to figure that out, but I'm just throwing that out there. It could also be you invite all your Instagram people and your list of orbit. That's a lot of people to invite. I like it. The more people who are already there, the more people it's gonna show to also. So there's that. But maybe it's on Instagram, and then let's say it goes pretty good, but we have some left. Maybe then we go do it again on Facebook.

Nina Albrecht: Yes. Yes, that would be, like, a great plan. But I think how can I, how can I write to the people without being like too, too silly that's so I don't scare away the followers.

Jessica: Okay. So if we were inviting a smaller list, I would make it a little bit more detailed. So we have this resource called a conversation starter list inside of Consistent Income.

If you were inviting a smaller number and they were higher priced things, I would probably use that as your starting point, basically to open up the conversation before you're then like, also I have this thing just want to invite you. Because we are starting bids at five euros and we're thinking about inviting, I don't know how many people, lots and lots, it probably is one of those situations where if you don't already know them pretty well, we're probably just throwing it out there.

So I think what I would say is something along the lines of, I just wanted to say thank you for liking my art. I'm going to be hosting a live Instagram auction with paintings starting at five euros.

Let me know if you have any interest, and I'll send you over the details. Something like that. Also use their name.

Nina Albrecht: Yes.

[00:24:49] The more personalized your invitations, the better.

Jessica: So it's not just a hundred percent copy pasted message. The more personalization you can do the better.

Nina Albrecht: And maybe some chats with them a bit before, and then...

Jessica: If there are people that you care about, especially the people on your orbit list, if there can be any chatting before that's good.

Nina Albrecht: Yeah. And maybe commenting on their posts.

Jessica: I would also go back through like any comments that you've had or DMS you've had and make sure to invite those people first. How many followers do you have?

Nina Albrecht: I have on Insta about 2,000.

Jessica: So since we're just experimenting and taking a chance here, I'd say even if you're not sure, but you have the time, go for it. But getting through 2,500 people is kind of cray cray, so like, let's prioritize with who we're starting with.

Nina Albrecht: Yes, yes, I think maybe the people that are having like interior profiles might be interested in paintings.

Jessica: So if I were prioritizing, it would look something like, I'm going to start with my orbit list because we have already put them on there for a reason.

Nina Albrecht: Yes.

Jessica: After that, if they are people you are DMing with or are leaving comments and they're not on your orbit list, which may or may not be true. Those people are next, and then after that, it's just a numbers game, like, let's see how many people we can get through.

Is this feeling good so far?

Nina Albrecht: Yes.

Jessica: Or scary?

Nina Albrecht: Both.

Jessica: Okay, so the facing the fear part of this challenge. It's not a 30 day challenge, because it's 14 days from now, so it's a 14 day challenge. So, how can we break this down into a way that it's more about, I am winning because I executed X amount of actions rather than I am winning because... X amount of people said they would come.

[00:26:55] Base the results on tackling the challenge itself, not on success or failure.

Jessica: So when we're trying to face fear, we don't want to base our outcome on a success. We want to base our outcome on I did it.

Nina Albrecht: Yes.

Jessica: So if you were to create your own 14 day challenge, what would that look like for you?

Nina Albrecht: Like for us preparing for motion. I'm thinking that maybe If I start with the first week, I just go and chat with, with the people. And then I use the second week for inviting them. So I just have the conversations going on. And then, then I tell them, Oh, I'm having spontaneously an auction in some days.

Jessica: Yeah. I like that.

Nina Albrecht: I tell them that.

Jessica: Does that give you enough time to make enough invitations? Seven days, essentially.

Nina Albrecht: Yeah, I think for sure I can continue to also to invite people the following week and then I'll invite them just a little bit faster to the auction.

Jessica: So one thing that I want to add to this, which is another layer, but it will also increase the effectiveness is if they say yes, yes, give me the information, I'm going to put a check mark or something next to their name and then the day before go through and send them all reminders.

Nina Albrecht: Yes. Yes. That's great.

Jessica: So let's say you're doing it at noon. I would probably send a reminder not more than 24 hours in advance. So let's go with a 24 hour window somewhere in that 24 hours we're sending reminders.

Nina Albrecht: Yes. Maybe I could send to some people 24 hours and to others like 10 hours to see if it's.

Jessica: Yeah, that's a great idea. Test that.

Okay. So our plan is pretty simple, right? We're going to host Instagram live auction, October 26th. First step is ask for childcare. Make sure that that works. Second step, we've already got our orbit list. Good job. We don't have to go find all those people.

We're going to start chatting with as many of them as possible and inviting them next week and reminding the ones who say, yes, I would like more information 24 hours to 10 hours before. What else do you need?

Nina Albrecht: I maybe could make some one or two videos and tell about it.

Jessica: I like that idea. Also, 24 hours before, put out a reminder content, whether that's email or Instagram. Hey, this is happening. Set your clock. You can also do a story where it has a countdown. I would do that as well.

Nina Albrecht: Yes. Yes, I did that.

Jessica: Mixing a little bit of content in there, but it's mostly personal.

[00:30:06] Decide on a way to measure your success.

Jessica: Okay, so backtracking one more time. I asked you how we are going to make this a 14 day challenge, and you gave me a great answer. However, in face your fear challenges, we need something measurable.

How can you tell yourself you succeeded? What measure of success, not based on an outcome, but based on actions, can we set for you?

Nina Albrecht: Well, I think it's kind of everyone. I'm, I'm connecting to is a success.

Jessica: How many people do you want to connect to? Let's make that our measure of success.

Nina Albrecht: Yes. And I think. Maybe if I am anyway, go for that. I connect with 10 new people every day. I think it's like, then I can have a goal for every day then I don't like it's for one day, like making 50 and then I'm really drained.

Jessica: Does 10 a day feel doable to you? And does 10 a day feel like enough? There is no wrong answer here. This is you.

Nina Albrecht: If I say 10 is like minimum, 10 to 20.

Jessica: Okay. If you say 10 to 20, are you going to do 10 or are you going to do 20? Are you going to do somewhere in between, like just based on your knowledge of how you work?

Nina Albrecht: I think if it works out like, I have a good conversation with the people, then I think, I think it's like fun to do it and then I will connect to even more people. So I think it's like, it's working out.

Jessica: Great. So let's set it at 10 because for me, if I set it too high and I don't do it, then I start feeling like I'm not good enough. I'm already failing. Let's set it at a reachable benchmark, and then if it's fun, you do more.

And I asked, does that feel like enough people? And does that feel doable? And sometimes you have to compromise between the two, but it's good to, like, think through it beforehand. Yeah, I'd like to do more than 70 people, but if I say I have to do 140 people, I might not do it. So we're deciding actively, I'm gonna set it at 10 people a day.

How do you feel? What's gonna keep you stuck? What's gonna make you go forward? What do you need? Anything?

Nina Albrecht: I think I will have to do a, a video for myself to try, just like to, trying to have an auction, maybe one or two. And then, I feel more prepared.

Jessica: Okay. Invite a friend to be like, can I practice on you?

Nina Albrecht: Yes.

Jessica: One of the advantages of this, is when you reach October 26. Whether you're ready or not, you already told all these people you're doing it and they're coming. So you just have to hit the start record button and ready go and whether I'm ready or not. And then you're going to figure it out.

It's kind of like being a guest on this podcast.

Nina Albrecht: Yes.

Jessica: Like, well, I scheduled it and I have to show up. I don't know what she's going to ask me, but I just have to do it. It's kind of like that.

Nina Albrecht: Yes. Yes. But I actually, I think this fits my personality pretty good because I, Pretty exciting.

Jessica: Yeah. And it's going to be the same for this.

Nina Albrecht: Yeah.

Jessica: I like to work with strengths. Usually the things that are your strengths, that are your strengths that you haven't really fully explored yet are the things that are the scariest. Those are the things you end up being the best at, which is awesome.

So when you start facing these fears and doing these challenges and you see the results. Wow, lots of people were interested in having a conversation with me. Wow, lots of people actually said yes. Wow, people actually showed up. Wow, I actually sold some things. Then it's like Okay. Well, let's Let's explore that idea again. How can I put myself in a similar situation? And that's how you learn really what's working for you and how you like doing it.

Nina Albrecht: Yes. It came to my mind that I have worked with telemarketing before, but not for myself. And I was so surprised because it worked out pretty well.

Jessica: I'd say that's massive because most people to don't like being like live, right? Most people telemarketing is like, you want me to do what? No way! But you've already tried it and said it worked out pretty well, which is like amazing in itself. So I think you got this.

Even, I've tried a similar strategy with people who are very shy and very reluctant. And by the end of it, they were like, man, I loved that. Or some version of that. I loved connecting with all those people. I loved seeing that they were interested in my work. They really proved to me that I was not just out there speaking out into the void. That felt so good, and I love the connections. So for someone like you, who's already said, yeah, I actually think that this is going to work out. Well, I have high hopes for you!

Nina Albrecht: Thank you.

Jessica: Good. Let's try this again. Shall we? Redo. 

Nina Albrecht: Yeah.

Jessica: Go team!

Okay. All right, Nina. I don't think this episode is going to come out before your auction, unfortunately, but where can people find you so that you can find them so that if you have another art auction, you know how to find them.

Nina Albrecht: You find me on Instagram at Syster Henry.

Jessica: It's S Y S T E R H E N R Y.

Nina Albrecht: Yes. The English name is Sister Henry, but I have a Swedish name, so it's like Syster means sister. And this is the name of a Pelargonium.

Jessica: Very cool. Okay, so you're gonna go find Nina over at Syster, with a Y, Henry on Instagram, and I am going to watch with bated breath while you complete your actions and update me in Slack.

Nina Albrecht: Yes, I will.

Jessica: Great. I'm very excited. Okay.

Nina Albrecht: Thank you so much.

Jessica: You're so welcome. Let's talk again soon.

Nina Albrecht: Yes.

Jessica: Okay. Bye bye.

Nina Albrecht: Bye.

More about Intuitive Art Sales

This is the show where I, Jessica Craddock, am going to teach you how to source your art marketing from within. You're going to practice claiming that authentic art business that you want and leaning into the most natural way for you to get there. You're going to learn to get connected to your intuition, your confidence and your community, so that you can sell your art consistently while holding strong boundaries on your work life balance.

Seasons 1 & 2 are full of interviews with your peers. In these and all episodes moving forward, I explore what each artist wants and give them the next steps to get there. You can take their struggles and their challenges and learn how to navigate your own and create actionable steps towards creating more art sales, more consistently at higher prices than you've ever sold before.

Just a note to our long-time listeners: We're doing away with our "Seasons", but you can still find this designation abbreviated at the end of the show titles. From now on episodes will be numbered chronologically at the end of the title as well as in the episode description.

You can find all the episodes here.

About the Author

Jessica Craddock

I mentor intuitive visual artists who are sick of one-size-fits all formulas sell more work, more consistently, at higher prices — with better work/life balance. My clients regularly make 3x more in art sales within a year.

Using my signature Consistent Income method, we’ll push you over the precipice of some really amazing growth so you can become the creator of your next chapter.

My secret sauce is that we focus on not just the "doing", but also the "being". Affirmations, trusting yourself, knowing when to go slow and when to go fast, practicing getting out of your comfort zone and making room for the feelings that go with that... all this is equally as important as the action steps.

For once, you'll be ahead of the game and understand what's right for you.

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