I just beat my monthly goal for February, and it's only February 2nd!
The two pieces I sold were from an appointment I made because of our meeting on Monday. The best part is I got four commissions for even larger pieces that I'm going to be putting together quotes for on top of that!
I just can't believe that happened! I didn't even think this was a possible way to make a sale before today :) "
daisy anne dickson
You're bringing in sales, but it's never enough money.
You're overworking.
You've tried one-size-fits-all marketing strategies, but they didn't align with your personality.
You need someone to give you a sanity roadmap to authentically create more sales, more consistently for higher prices
... while keeping you sparkly and sane with better work/life balance.
Consistent Income will become your repeatable and authentic routine for an art business that creates $1500... $3000... $5000+ months and beyond.
You’ll walk away with a system for you to repeat consistent success -- while doing what you love most -- so you can feel fulfilled and watch your business take off simultaneously.
So you can be the boss of your own creative business.
No one single marketing technique is going to solve your problems.
You need a comprehensive strategy to:
✨ Stop playing small and see huge growth without ever forgetting it's really about the art
✨ Become a better person to yourself and everyone around you because you finally discovered marketing makes you a better artist
✨ Live your purpose as an artist and get validation that others see you that way
✨ Share your art with the world so that you can inspire joy all around you
Sigh, I think I have to brag now... One of my collectors keeps buying my art!! Every new painting I show her privately (and sneak peak on IG and she checks them and asks me if I'm selling them in DM). Now she's a proud owner of 7 paintings of mine.
But the best thing is really how we connect so well and live in the same town lol. Wine and art talk in going to happen soon. Art connects. That's the best! (And I get paid for doing that).
You've taught us to be us and helped us be better at it each time! Jessica, my life is soooo good thanks to you, darling.
emiko venlet
Look, I get it!
Your mission is to cultivate what lights you up and leave this world a little bit more beautiful then when you found it.
But instead of trusting yourself, you find:
✨ You're losing your energy and momentum. Burnout is real... and happening more regularly than you like to admit to yourself.
✨ You're feeling embarrassed by your slow growth. You keep trying to overcompensate in a direction that doesn't feel right in order to feel better about the time you're investing.
✨ After a string of rejections, you'll stop feeling confident and start playing small.
Sure, things haven't been a complete flop.
Maybe they're even working...
But you want more.
That's nothing to be ashamed of, my dear.
I want you to have everything you desire.
Not a passion project OR money.
Not a business you love OR time.
ALLLL of it.
Because that's the only way you're going to have the right energy to make it real.
I'm gonna tell you right now artist. It's not your fault you're floudering...
You have some seriously disempowering beliefs that need upgrading.
Belief #1: In order to make sales "that count," they have to be from people you don't know.
What "counts" is when someone is willing to exchange their hard-earned dollars to have a piece of your art. Are you willing to let go of the belief that you're only good enough if they're a random stranger?
That's a really lonely way to do business, and it's extremely ineffective until you're at a point where media outlets and galleries are pursuing you (which is the direction I'm going to take you).
In the 'Find and Engage Your Tribe' Toolkit, I'll show you a way to do business that lets you shine as yourself, meet some really cool people, and create a community around you that fuels your creativity. You'll learn things like:
How do I help new people find me?
how do I talk about what I do in conversations?
5 practices to nurture ideal art buyers to lead to sales
Belief #2: I'm not ready to go big yet. I need to get my [fill in the blank] polished up first.
Every artist I know is so much farther along than they give themselves credit for, and I can guarantee you that you're the same.
Our brains are hardwired to not give ourselves enough props, and through the 'Find and Engage Your Tribe' Toolkit, you'll learn you are ready and good enough to do the things out of your comfort zone.
This is where you go from random sales to a real business. You'll have access to trainings like:
make friends with what's holding you back
hone your vision with a dream life meditation
7 tools to create momentum, today
So, tell me. How as a seriously talented, resourceful artist like you not gotten further yet?
In just a sec I’m gonna give you a peek under the hood at how you’ll go from an overwhelmed, inconsistent idea-factory to full-fledged artpreneur making sales on the reg and loving life.
But first, Let's talk about what life should look like for someone as committed, hardworking, creative, and ambitious as you...
conquer your fears as you learn to build confidence
I can say that today, I have reached my goals and gone beyond some of them I had set for myself.
Changing my mindset and really truly believing not only in myself but in my work, has been transformative. I initially had some trouble letting go and finally when it did happen the results were just amazing. I believe now, whatever we need is already out there, we just need to tune into it.
I remember speaking to you at the end of October, saying I would like to earn $1500/mo. In six weeks with you, I have already made $5,500! All this to say, thank you and in deep gratitude to be here in this community.
gaya shantaram
connect with buyers who love your style and mission
Just want to let you know I am full of gratitude towards you all day! You made my business grow financially 5 times faster than I could on my own. Within three months with you I already achieved the goal of the whole year's income. Once I started with even just one place/shop/organization I felt a connection with the opportunities from there start to flow. Then I don't need to push and strive very hard anymore, all I need to do is deliver well. Coming from a place of abundance and gratitude, I make connections and integrate it into my life and I don't need to plan and strive anymore.
helen phlen
do less when you create a solid plan
Thanks to your coaching and support I have consistently been making my goal of $1000 of sales per month and I look forward to continuing to implement all that I’ve learned to reach my next goal of $3000.
I love working with you; I feel like you’ve given me a fantastic launching point and the tools to follow through on my business (for once in my life lol)! Thank you for being an instrument of sanity and clarity in my business and life!
Alexandra verboom fritz
Hi, I'm Jessica Craddock and my clients regularly make 3x more in art sales within a year.
I mentor intuitive visual artists who are sick of one-size-fits all formulas sell more work, more consistently, at higher prices — with better work/life balance.
Using my signature Consistent Income method, we’ll push you over the precipice of some really amazing growth so you can become the creator of your next chapter.
My secret sauce is that we focus on not just the "doing", but also the "being". Affirmations, trusting yourself, knowing when to go slow and when to go fast, practicing getting out of your comfort zone and making room for the feelings that go with that... all this is equally as important as the action steps.
For once, you'll be ahead of the game and understand what's right for you.
I contacted another local garden to offer painting workshops and they said yas!!!! So I am going to use the paycheck from these gardens as my "stable" monthly income so I can focus on painting my next collection and creating content for my spiritual course. I only need to "work" two days a month for a stable paycheck.
helen phlen
This artist mentorship is for you if...
- 1You know how to sell sometimes, but there's no way you'll ever make enough this way. Plus, you have a big vision you're dying to bring to life.
- 2You think marketing your work would be easier and less intimidating if you knew who you were talking to and could tailor your message to them
- 3You would love create a community of clients you 'just vibe with' and want to be around.
- 4You're ready to trust yourself and get out of your comfort zone.
- 5You feel like your work is a way to find meaning and purpose and leave this world a little bit better and more beautiful than you found it.
- 6You want to get things done without stress so you can slow down and be inspired by things like daffodils on your afternoon walk
- 7You're at the point in your growth where you can say, "This is an investment in myself and my art" and use the investment as a motivator to stay accountable to yourself and the goals you've set
You with me so far?
Excellent. Here's how we're going to accomplish all this.
We're not into cookie cutter around here.
But you CAN sell your art in a way that’s authentic to you with a few simple tools and habits.
Here’s how…
Consistent Income is not a "one-size fits all" strategy. Instead, it's a framework where you've got me at your side to customize it as you go.
If the past is any indication, you're gonna try a little bit of this and a little bit of a of that and be exactly in the same place a year from now without a concrete strategy.
The month you join Consistent Income, you'll lay some ground work to start taking brave actions that will change the way you see authentic selling.
I was at a party last night and a friend I hadn't seen in over a year said he followed me and liked my artwork. He said "You're getting so much better too. I mean about how you talk about it and how you put it out there. I'm going to buy one. I'm excited to see where you go next." I was speechless. I couldn't wait to tell you guys!! THANK YOU Jessica!
mindy mclendon
Week 3: Create Your Orbit List
Some people want to sell in person at events, others want to do plenty of creative collaborations, others want to surround themselves with like-minded souls. No matter your goals, PEOPLE are at the core of growing your business. I'll teach you who these people are to you and how to find them.
This is the key to your success and it’s probably the thing you don’t want to do the most. Laura felt that way too.
I feel proactive! I've been working on these thoughts about being able to create something of my own, of making money offering something I love to do, of actually having AGENCY over how I create money and abundance in my life. It's taken quite a while to achieve this feeling but it's quietly exhilarating.
emilie boucher
Once you've created the building blocks, you'll begin join the group in the 'Consistent Income' System
Visibility Month: First, you have to make sure people know you exist. We spend a month basking in the energy of helping the right people learn about you and your art.
Nurture Month: Next, we build true fans and partners with the people on our orbit list with genuine interactions. (Don't worry -- I'll teach you :) My clients love this part, even though most of them thought they wouldn't.
Sales Month: Let's harness some sales energy. If you like the launch model, this is where that fits in. If that’s not your thing, we use my three step Buyer Accelerator method to sell without any launch frenzy.
Reflection Month: Take a deep breath because this phase is all about rest, reflection, and wrapping up sales conversations created the month before.
Repeat to grow your fans, eliminate busy work, and increase sales.
Now’s the time when things get really fun because we’ll simply move through all five phases again (and again!).
Sales will keep getting better, easier, and fulfilling as you learn...
- Who you are and who you want to spend time with to grow your business
- How to talk about your work
- What your individual marketing plan looks like - one that makes you feel energized and excited to be consistent
- What people love to buy from you most, mixed with what you most want to sell
It’s a lovely, simple process you can use for years to increase the amount you bring in to fund contributing to your family, rent a studio space, or just feel validated as you build your confidence.
Inside Consistent Income, you’ll get the tools to 3x your art sales with none of this one-size fits all BS
Let’s start with the ‘Find and Engage Your Tribe’ Toolkit
After years of working with clients, I've dissected the pieces that get the most results and created recorded trainings for each. You'll learn how to create your unique plan for sales, getting your artwork found and nurturing connections with your Ideal Art Buyers, all while working with your energy.
'Consistent Income' System
Consistent Income is a system that teaches you how to take sales and marketing seriously (without losing your authenticity!) as it increases your confidence, connectedness and happiness month after month.
'Consistent Income - Live!' Members Only Podcast Feed
Listen in as my private coaching clients are guided through their personal marketing plans, so you can learn all the things you didn't know that you didn't know!
'Fill Your Cup' Monthly Workshops
Every month, I'll hold a workshop to teach you a practical or energetic strategy to help you create momentum in your business. These recorded workshops will include topics like:
- Follow up with interested buyers to double your sales
- Making progress when you have other commitments so you can keep living your life.
- Work with your energy instead of against it because we want this to be fun.
- Reframe your beliefs so you can get out of your own way and do the scary things.
Two Monthly Q+A's with me
Each month, we'll have two calls dedicated to questions about your strategy, what you're selling, how to follow up with an inquiry, or anything else you need! You’ll have me in your back pocket so you never feel like that baby bird foraging around for seeds when what you’re really looking for is the pond.
'Kindred Spirits' Slack Community
Connect with other ambitious artists ready to offer cheers, support, and unique perspectives.
The conversation will center around our monthly Consistent Income topic so we can focus less on comparisonit-itis, and more on conquer the world vibes.
I just had a studio visit this morning, and one next week. One of my Ideal Art Buyers came through a women's business network I visited as a guest, and one was silently following my insta postings for some time. Both want to buy from me. The magic is happening. Thank you so much @Jessica for making me believe in myself.
lotte hauss
BONUS: 'Money Now' System
Money Now is about learning what actions bring in sales today, and practicing them. This system teaches you the brave habits to make money, now, so next time you think, "I need to make some sales soon," you won't panic -- you'll know what to do.
Use this anytime you need some sales pronto.
Bonus: Jess Currier's 'The Art Just Wants to Be Made' Workshop
This (as long as she is willing!) bonus workshop with Jess Currier is for you if you’re feeling stuck in any part of your art making process.
Her combination of MFA/technical expertise/motivational juju/mindset work makes her the perfect candidate for this position.
If you’ve ever met this woman, you already love her. If you haven’t, prepare yourself.
You might feel like you need to be cautious. Even though things are going ok right now, what if something happens? You better do with what you've got, right?
Nu uh! Wrong! "Something" is definitely going to happen. That is the only thing I can guarantee you.
SUPPORT is how you get through it with your head above water. It's what we all need, especially right now. Support gives you focus. It helps you...
✨ Get things done (in the right order!)
✨ Move through disappointments more quickly so you can get to the successes
✨ Find new paths forward you wouldn't have come up with on your own.
Normals are changing. For some life is harder, for some it's easier, but either way... it's different... and that's getting you even further behind. Those that lean in to change get miles ahead while everyone else is shaking their head -- dazed -- trying to decide what to do next.
My clients tell me they never would been able to make the big shifts on their own. They needed that loving support and (gentle) pushes to grow -- and while it's scary at first -- they get more comfortable, more confident, they tell the universe they're ready and they show up to do their part.
"Sold a lot of pieces this month and was able to contribute to charity...
... got over my fear of myself in videos, spoke to a lot of people and connected, got a good number of commissions lined up, made work that I REALLY LOVED!, started waking up at dawn and making time for self-care and painting, started a meditation practice and getting clarity on beliefs holding me back.
Becoming more okay with imperfect old me :)"
niha nathersa
Pricing as individual as you
Six month minimum
**This is not a course, but a mentorship. You retain access to all of the above as long as you choose to stick around - and you'll want to. 87% of members choose to continue after the first six months.
Six month minimum
Six month minimum