Jessica Craddock


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  • “What direction should I go if I am passionate about creating larger pieces?” – Kayla Gale S2, E1
Intuitive Art Sales episode art
Intuitive Art Sales with Jessica Craddock
"What direction should I go if I am passionate about creating larger pieces?" - Kayla Gale S2, E1

EP27: Kayla Gale is an oil painter and a mother of two from the Canadian prairies of Saskatchewan.  Kayla started painting about eight years ago, and for the last five years she has grown her art business into a full-time income. When she is not painting, she is homeschooling and spending time with her beautiful children. 

Kayla has a free-spirit outlook, preferring not to make specific goals but simply following what feels like a natural progression with her art business. She is passionate about her work and creating art that will become a part of her buyers’ lives. Witnessing a buyer make a deep connection with one of her paintings really lights her up. However, finding those buyers through marketing makes her feel very uncomfortable. 

Lately, Kayla has considered taking her business in a different direction, working with designers and tradespeople. She hopes this will lead to more opportunities to create larger pieces and find the perfect home for each of them while avoiding the icky feeling that selling gives her.

Listen in as I teach Kayla how to reframe marketing her art and see that selling and marketing are both about connecting. 

 For information on working with Jessica, send your questions/thoughts to  jessica@theartistmarket.co 

✨ For more practical and energetic strategies to create consistent income and life balance, follow me on Instagram @artistmarketco. 


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